【立法會衝擊】科大校長史維:譴責暴力同時 更要討論問題根源




科大校長史維今日向校內發電郵指,就昨日至今早立法會所發生的事件感到擔憂(distressing)及痛心( heartbreaking)。史維指,縱然多方指出,需要譴責有關暴力,但是觀乎過多星期事態發展,非能簡單理解示威者作短暫性或對單一議題的不滿,有必要承認當日大部份年輕及學生示威者,在清楚知道行為後果下,仍希望付諸行動。

史維指,立法會事件或將會有法律行動跟進或引起社會判斷,但他認為社會需要討論發生今次問題的根本原因,各界需要持有開放及可商議的態度( open and approachable attitude)去直接溝通,若只是不斷重申同一聲明或持續的對立只會令社會更加分化,並非有利香港,「香港只會最終成為輸家」。( Hong Kong will be the ultimate loser)他又指,作為香港市民及教育家,將會與大家攜手促成社會對話。


Dear members of HKUST:It is distressing and heartbreaking to see how the incident inside the Legislative Council Complex played out yesterday and this morning. As pointed out by many, violence should be condemned. However, observing how things unfolded over the past few weeks, the situation can』t be interpreted as a sign of temporary or single topic discontent only. We need to acknowledge that the protestors, many of them youngsters and students, would want to commit such acts even though they are fully aware of the consequences. While there are possible actions to be pursued by the legal system as well as judgment being rendered by the society, we should discuss the root cause to address the challenges we face. But first and now, appropriate steps must be taken swiftly to diffuse the tension.It is essential that all parties, public or private, adopt an open and approachable attitude in listening to one another by means of direct conversation. It is difficult but this is what has to be done. Repeating identical statements or persistent confrontation will only bring more divide and can』t serve the interest of our home; and Hong Kong will be the ultimate loser.Anyone caring for the future of Hong Kong should make an effort to forge such a conversation. As a concerned citizen and an educator, I stand ready to join hands with you to achieve this goal.Yours sincerely,Wei ShyyPresident

