【空少私房菜】香草檸檬蒜香烤雞嫩滑多汁 一個烤盤35分鐘完成
話說很多年前在美國拉斯維加斯賭場上,每一注平均為兩美元,而當時一頓烤雞晚餐也巧合地標價兩元,因而誕生了賭場上一句幽默的口頭禪:"Winner, winner, chicken dinner!"就是指贏家贏了足夠銀兩,獎勵自己一頓令人飽足的烤雞晚餐!
今時今日雖然兩元晚餐已成過去,但是chicken dinner在美國家庭裡,仍然是種常見傳統,特別是在星期天,總是意味著一家人溫馨團聚用餐的溫情。由於烤雞普遍需時,忙碌一族都會選擇在周末或放假時準備。可是自從學會了spatchcock蝴蝶式開邊法,發現烤全雞並非一定大陣象,就是連平日都可以享受到傳統chicken dinner的奢華啊!用上了 spatchcock technique烤雞簡單快捷,保證每一次烤出來的全雞皮脆肉嫩、嫩滑多汁、賣相令人垂涎三尺、大方得體,是臨時請客的後備必殺技!
開了邊的雞隻不論外皮或雞腔都方便塗上醃料,是一幅任由廚師發揮的帆布。今次同大家分享最經典的醃雞方法 — 獨特幽香的迷迭香和百里香配上醒胃檸檬和蒜香,是個 time tested、難以抗拒的完美配搭。我喜歡在小陽台栽種香草供食用,除了以便不時之需可大派用場外,更是省錢的好辦法(花墟才賣十五元一盆啊,長種長有,總比超市的一小束化算)。
香草檸檬蒜香烤雞|Lemon, Garlic & Herb Roasted Spatchcock Chicken
Spatchcock the chicken:Pat the chicken dry. Using a pair of kitchen shears, cut along each side of the spine to remove the backbone. Trim excess fat and clean out the cavity. With breast side up, press down firmly in the middle of the breastbone to flatten the bird.
Combine garlic, herbs, olive oil, salt and pepper in a bowl.
Rub marinade evenly throughout the chicken and under the skin.
Drizzle with lemon juice from half of the whole lemon. Reserve the squeezed half lemon for roasting. Marinate overnight.
5.醃好的雞置室內解凍約20分鐘。預熱焗爐至 425°F/220°C。
Preheat oven to 425°F/220°C. Remove chicken from fridge and allow 20 minutes to return to room temperature.
In a large cast iron skillet or sheet pan, scatter thinly sliced potatoes and salt generously. Place squeezed lemon half in center to help prop up chicken for better air circulation.
Place chicken on top and tuck the wing tips under to prevent burning. Slice remaining half lemon and scatter around chicken.
8.放進焗爐烤20分鐘。薯仔掃上雞油,再烤15 - 20分鐘至雞隻金黃皮脆,即成!
Roast for 20 minutes. Baste the potato slices with drippings. Rotate the pan and return to the oven for an additional 15 to 20 minutes until golden and crispy, depending on size of the chicken. Remove from the oven and let rest for 10 minutes. Dig in!
Alvin's Penthouse Kitchen 空少私房菜