監警會國際專家組退出 政府發聲明:將研究報告所有建議
報道引述Clifford Stott指,他們建議監警會應被賦予權力,以傳召及保護證人、搜集證據等。報道又指,專家組認為,尤其在未政府未有明確表示是否成立獨立調查委員會時,具有公信力的監警會報告十分重要。
五位監警會專家組小組主席為曾任英女王警察監察局總督察的Sir Denis O'Connor,其餘成員包括:新西蘭警察行為獨立調查局主席Colin Doherty法官、澳洲新南威爾斯州執法與行動委員會總監Hon Michael F Adams QC、英國基爾大學自然科學研究院院長Clifford Stott教授,以及加拿大公民監察執法協會前主席 Gerry McNeilly。
In November 2019 the International Experts Panel (IEP) visited the Hong Kong Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC) to assist them in the development of their ‘Thematic Study’ on the protests, confrontations and policing. While we assessed that meaningful progress had been made in data collection and analysis, we ultimately concluded that a crucial shortfall was evident in the powers, capacity and independent investigative capability of IPCC.
Given the scale and complexity of events subject to its Thematic Study, we determined that addressing at least the capacity and investigative capability shortfalls, would be necessary in order for the IPCC to begin to meet the standards citizens of Hong Kong would be likely to require of a police watchdog operating in a society that values freedoms and rights.
Since then, dialogue with the IPCC has not led to any agreed process through which the IEP would be able to effectively support the Thematic Study any further at this stage. As a result, the IEP has taken the decision to formally stand aside from its role. As a group we remain committed to supporting and engaging with the IPCC, if and when it develops the necessary capabilities and provides its draft interim report on the protests, confrontations and policing of events between June and September 2019.