【Appraisal】行政、HR、創意崗位互評點寫好? 30句示範例句!


一周一度的 appraisal又殺到,雖說這是一次爭取升職加薪的機會,但如何在上司面前肯定自己過去一年的表現,其實滿有難度。特別是在自我評核的一部分,有些公司要求員工要發表具體意見,更是教人不知怎樣落筆才好。不同的職級及部門理應都有屬於它們專用的評語,以下將就行政、HR、創意、項目管理、下屬及上司6個崗位,提供一些適合的短句,如適當使用,配合具體的事例/資料作支持,應能令今年的appraisal做得更得心應手。



1. Administration 行政崗位/工作


1. Continuously examines administrative effectiveness and seeks better procedures such as [tasks]. (不斷評估行政系統、程序的效用,尋求更佳方案。)

2. Develops successful administrative strategies such as [task] that led to [results]. (提出成功的行政策略,例如[例子],取得效果[例子]。)

3. Establishes effective systems for information retrieval through [task]. (建立有效的訊息檢索系統,例如……)

4. Improves administrative support systems through [task]. (透過[例子]提升行政支援系統。)

5. Keeps documents organized via [task] to avoid duplicate information. (通過 [例子]有系統、有組織地保存文件,避免資料重複。)

2. Human Resources Management and Coaching 人力資源管理及培訓崗位/工作


6. Shows a sincere interest in employees and the solutions to their problems. (對員工的問題展現真誠的關心及解決建議。)

7. Lends support and guidance to employees by [task]. (通過[例子]為同事展現支援及指導。)

8. Uses sound coaching techniques to solve disciplinary problems. (運用輔導技巧解決紀律問題。)

9. Provides continuous coaching. (持續提供培訓。)

10. Is highly respected by employees for sharing concerns, problems, and opportunities. (因分享關心、問題、機會而備受同事尊重。)

3. Creativity 創意崗位/工作


11. Seeks creative alternatives such as [examples] that drove [results]. (尋求具創意的其他選項,例如[例子],達成[成績/效果]。)

12. Clever and imaginative when confronted with obstacles. (面對困擾表現靈活而富想像力。)

13. Is continuously experimenting to drive [results]. (不斷嘗試以取得[成果])

14. Initiates and executes creative ideas such as [example]. (構思並執行創意十足的意念,例如[例子])

15. Seeks new ideas and approaches. (尋求新鮮主意和方法。)

4. Project Management 項目管理崗位/工作


16. Completed X project with X results. (完成[X]項目,取得成果[X]。)

17. Sets realistic timetables to keep projects on target(設立實際可行的時間表以確保項目進度良好。)

18. Is transparent with a project's progress. (項目進度清晰透明。)

19. Makes effective use of all available resources when given a project. (有效運用可用資源在項目上。)

20. Clearly establishes project goals and objectives. (建立明確的項目目標。)

5. Potential 同事/下屬潛力


21. Is capable of distinguished performance in a higher-level position. (能夠勝任更高職位,表現傑出。)

22. Has reached the level for promotional consideration.(已經達到可以考慮升職的水平。)

23. Can handle bigger projects and assignments. (能夠處理更大型的工作和任務。)

24. Is making a strong effort to acquire greater experience and skills to increase potential for advancement. (努力取得更多經驗、更佳技巧來提升自己。)

25. Is enhancing growth potential through additional education and training. (透過額外進修及培訓在提升個人潛力。)

6. Management Ability 管理崗位/工作


26. Provides team with support through [example]. (給予團隊支持,例如[例子]。)

27. Collaborates with individual team members to establish a development path. (與各組員一起建立職業道路。)

28. Holds employees accountable for their own results. (為下屬的好壞成果負上責任。)

29. Provides team with the resources needed to attain results. (幫助團隊取得所需資源。)

30. Provides support during periods of organizational change. (在公司/團隊轉型時為團隊、下屬提供支持。)
