性工作者奇遇#6│成熟美女召男郎上門 沒性事只緊抱 原因超心酸



人與人之間的擁抱,有時會勝過千言萬語。 (《Domino》劇照)



下載「香港01」App ,即睇城中熱話


She was a tiny and very beautiful Asian lady, probably 50 years old (i was 45). I went to her house and explained in person what the services were that she could choose from. She said she just wanted to start by being held, a gentle hug.
Well, after about a minute, I felt her crying into my chest (i'm 6'2"). I just held her and she stood there crying for 5 more minutes before I just picked her up and took her to the couch when I sat down and held her for another 20 minutes while she was crying. Just soft deep sobs (I'm getting a bit teary eyed remembering this). asked if she was OK and she told me (without moving her face from my chest) that the last time she was held like this was when she was 7yrs old, by her father. She said her husband never holds her, never has. So I just squeezed her a bit tighter and we sat there until the time was up (45 minutes was what she paid for).

同場加映:植物人兒子將安樂死 母召女郎懇求送子最後温柔


同場加映:男客要求應召女郎 「餓着上門」 餐桌上滿洋葱


同場加映:妻要求3人同牀 應召女郎:丈夫眼神透現純愛
