性工作者奇遇#3│男客專找紅髮紋身女郎 眾裏尋她皆因親情




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When I was working as a cam girl, I had a lot of men with redhead and tattoo fetishes pay for private shows. One night a guy paid, I started talking to him and he told me to keep my clothes on and just listen to him, if it was okay with me. I said sure... what’s going on?
He went on to tell me that his daughter was a redhead with tattoos and she’d been lost to him to the sex industry when she was 19, and he was trying to find girls who reminded him of her and ‘save them’. It was pretty damn depressing.”

同場加映:男客要求應召女郎 「餓着上門」 餐桌上滿洋葱


同場加映:妻要求3人同牀 應召女郎:丈夫眼神透現純愛