黎曉陽 - My England Ain't No Good:英文好不好,也要唱藍調


即使玩了多年音樂,發表過專輯一張,黎曉陽亦甚少對藍調有所著墨。但原來隱藏於acoustic pop面紗下,這名流行歌手也蓄有藍調的音樂素養,不止於以往他勾勒的「偽文青」「廢青」輪廓,或是清新陽光男的罐頭式定位。最新釋出的〈My England Ain't No Good〉,他與多位音樂人碰撞,地道Konglish的恢諧幽默,在藍調搖滾的框架內揮灑浪蕩,具生趣、創意,足以一新耳目。

比起從前的一人包辦,〈My England Ain't No Good〉更是眾員合力的習作。歌聲上,除了黎曉陽港味至極的演繹,豪氣的謎樣白鬚翁Bruce Wong、操菲律賓腔的MV導演DNA,像是集來香港的各種口音,唯一共通是大家的英文都ain't no good;編曲則交由banjo和dobro手Ken(Nowhere Boys結他手),和結他手Nic負責;細心留意,還會發現經典藍調金曲〈Ain't No Sunshine〉的歌詞致敬,當然,一再出現的雙重否定句(此用法中,否定加否定的結果還是否定的)、banjo、dobro,都是與藍調形影不離之物。

因著對此曲的好奇,我們不識相地以太凝重的書面語向他問了幾道問題,但原來,還是以Konglish交談最輕鬆親切,cc if you un the following talk?

Why you make blues song suddenly? So different from the previous Michael before wor

Michael:I like blues, it's my song. World sometimes boring, need some fun. Like then is like, no like then is no like. We is don't care, we is haved fun already. We is learning to have fun. 

How much are you influenced by blues music? For example lyrics have 'Ain't No Sunshine' (a blues classical) geh elements, but your previous songs never show your blues influence?

Michael:Maybe go through pain and suffer in life then will like blues, so me is too lucky. We like:  羅拔·莊臣,約翰梅爾,艾瑞克·克萊普頓,B.B金, 史蒂维·雷·沃恩 (SRV),J.J 凱爾...etc.  We wish they listen to our song and they like. 

From those Konglish lyrics, 'somebody solo' ad lip, MV shooting, it's all humorous and funny, how did the whole idea come up?

Michael:We're beautiful in our way, cause we were born this way. We set ourselves free, free of boundaries, Joy came naturally. I said somebody solo because somebody need to solo their. Is SOLO TIME.

Can you intro who Bruce is? He said he can play music he likes finally. Between, the Indian accent of DNA is interesting too.

Michael:Bruce is urban myth, also a YOLO reminder, you only live once. Do what you want, be who u want to be. I fink Bruce is a very humble legend. On the other hand, DNA is a joke, one talented good joke. He is Filipino by the way. 

Help Bruce ask, why he had to shoot in the centre of road?

Michael:I heard some legendary blues player sell their soul to devil at the crossroad so they can play better music. Maybe Bruce want to improve. 

Can you list some suggested activities to people who want to visit Kowloon City because of your song, o ng ok?

Michael:Thai food? Have. Vietnam? Have.Suzie?  Have. Massage? Also have. Let's go to Kowloon city Lau. 

Anymore funny shit happened?Michael:You is right, shit happens. No body was paid for making song and MV, so funny. I'm very thanks them. We don't know kids at the end of the MV... we just hold candy in hand say: 追我吖 追我吖 and they follow.

Thankyou you!

