Pokemon GO攻略:1.5更新版本 解讀新精靈評價術語


近日Pokemon GO雖然有不少爭議的聲音,官方繼續馬不停蹄推出更新完善遊戲體驗。最新更新版本ver 1.5.0(iOS)、ver 0.35.0(Android)終於加入了IV評價系統,令各位小精靈訓練員都可以簡易得知每一隻精靈個別能力。


最新版本Pokemon GO近日推出更新,這一次更新版中官方指改良了遊戲的表現外,亦加入新系統更易發現玩家使用掛機、假GPS等「出術」系統,對於「守法」的玩家而言,相信是非常讚賞的改良。





藍隊精靈IV分數評價 解說
Overall, your(精靈名字)is a wonder!What a breathtaking Pokemon!

82.2%-100%(37/45 – 45/45)

Overall, your(精靈名字) has certainly caught my attention.

66.7% – 80.0%(30/45 – 36/45)

Overall, your (精靈名字)is above average.

51.1% – 64.4%(23/45 – 29/45)

Overall, your (精靈名字) is not likely to make much headway in battle.

0% – 48.9%(0/45 – 22/45)


Its stats exceed my calculations. It’s incredible! 精靈至少一項IV數值達15分完美
I am certainly impressed by its stats, I must say. 精靈至少一項IV數值達13或14分
Its stats are noticeably trending to the positive. 精靈至少一項IV數值達8至12分
Its stats are not out of the norm, in my opinion 精靈至少一項IV數值達0至7分
藍隊精靈Size評價 解說
The size of your (精靈名字) is… colossal. This is indeed exceptional. Fascinating! XL
Your (精靈名字)is above average in size. Large
Your (精靈名字)is below average in size. Small
Your (精靈名字) is tinier than any we have on record. Astounding. XS
紅隊精靈IV分數評價 解說
Overall, your (精靈名字) simplyamazes me. It can accomplish anything!

82.2%-100%(37/45 – 45/45)

Overall, your (精靈名字) is a strong Pokemon. You should be proud!

66.7% – 80.0%(30/45 – 36/45)

Overall, your (精靈名字) is a decent Pokemon

51.1% – 64.4%(23/45 – 29/45)

Overall, your (精靈名字) may not be great in battle, but I still like it!

0% – 48.9%(0/45 – 22/45)


I’m blown away by its stats. WOW! 精靈至少一項IV數值達15分完美
It’s got excellent stats! How exciting! 精靈至少一項IV數值達13或14分
Its stats indicate that in battle, it’ll get the job done. 精靈至少一項IV數值達8至12分
Its stats don’t point to greatness in battle. 精靈至少一項IV數值達0至7分
紅隊精靈Size評價 解說
Your (精靈名字) is gigantic—the largest I’ve ever seen! XL

Your (精靈名字) is rather sizable, that’s for sure!

Aww, what a small (精靈名字)! It’s rather cute, I’d say. Small
Your (精靈名字) is so tiny, I almost didn’t notice it! XS
黃隊精靈IV分數評價 解說
Overall, your (精靈名字) looks like it can really battle with the best of them!

82.2%-100%(37/45 – 45/45)

Overall, your (精靈名字) is really strong!

66.7% – 80.0%(30/45 – 36/45)

Overall, your (精靈名字) is pretty decent!

51.1% – 64.4%(23/45 – 29/45)

Overall, your (精靈名字) has room for improvement as far as battling goes.

0% – 48.9%(0/45 – 22/45)


Its stats are the best I’ve ever seen! No doubt about it! 精靈至少一項IV數值達15分完美
Its stats are really strong! Impressive. 精靈至少一項IV數值達13或14分
It’s definitely got some good stats. Definitely! 精靈至少一項IV數值達8至12分
Its stats are all right, but kinda basic, as far as I can see. 精靈至少一項IV數值達0至7分
黃隊精靈Size評價 解說
Your (精靈名字) is just HUGE! XL

Your (精靈名字) is a BIG one!

Your (精靈名字) is a little small for its kind, don’t you think? Small
Wh-whoa. That’s the tiniest (精靈名字) I’ve ever seen! XS


15:Its stats exceed my calculations, It’s incredible.
13-14:I am certainly impressed by its stats.
11-12: Its stats are noticeably trending to the positive
0-10:Its stats are noticeably trending to the positive
如出現It is matched equally by its XXX,並且又有「Its stats exceed my calculations, It’s incredible.」表示該隻精靈的三項數值都達到15