蘋果成立45周年 庫克:未來將更光明 公司故事將值得傳誦


4月1日(周四)為蘋果公司(Apple)成立45周年紀念日,行政總裁庫克(Tim Cook)向全體員工發電郵,除回顧公司歷史外,亦向「教主」喬布斯致敬,並向一眾員工表示堅信公司的未來將更光明。



I know this past year has tested each of us in ways that we never imagined. It's asked all of us to adapt, it's added complexity to our work and it has demanded additional resolve and commitment in areas of our lives that extend well beyond our work. But I also know that what we have each achieved during this time should make us enormously proud. Through a once-in-a-generation challenge, the things we make, and the ways in which we make them, have revealed profound and durable new sources of value to the people who love and count on them. And, on many fronts, we know even brighter days are ahead.

庫克引用已故Apple始創人喬布斯(Steve Jobs)的說話「到目前為止這是一段令人驚嘆的旅程,但我們只是剛剛開始。」("it's been an amazing journey so far, yet we have barely begun.")(VCG)

最尾,他引用已故Apple始創人喬布斯(Steve Jobs)的說話「到目前為止這是一段令人驚嘆的旅程,但我們只是剛剛開始。」("it's been an amazing journey so far, yet we have barely begun.")認為沒有人會在此時此刻完結整個故事或預知結局,但大家要確保的是,這個故事,將要是「值得傳誦」(worth telling)。