Eminem新碟不留情面狂Diss新生代Rapper 竟然有人向「神」還擊?


美國「饒舌之神」Eminem早前毫無預兆之下推出「核彈級」專輯《Kamikaze》,如地圖炮一樣Diss盡新生代Rapper,從音樂造詣、態度、形象等方面逐一狠批。以作品向全世界證明自己寶刀未老,Rap God地位並非浪得虛名。


Eminem火力全開在歌曲中點名攻擊部份新生代Rapper,在《The Ringer》歌曲中,攻擊Lil Pump及Lil Xan在臉上紋身是在模仿Lil Wayne,加上有濫藥問題,而且歌詞膚淺欠缺內涵。Eminem更指如果他們不如Kendrick Lamar、J.Cole、Big Sean一樣有真實力,根本沒法在Hip Hop圈「活得長」。

《The Ringer》歌詞節錄:Lil Pump, Lil Xan imitate Lil WayneI should aim at everybody in the game, pick a nameI'm fed up with being humbleAnd rumor is I'm hungryI'm sure you heard bumblingsI heard you wanna rumble like an empty stomachI heard your mumbling but it's jumbled in mumbo-jumboThe era that I'm from will pummel youThat's what it's comin' toWhat the f**** are you gonna do, where you runnin' to?I'm gonna crumble you and I'll take a number twoAnd dump on you if you ain't JoynerIf you ain't Kendrick or ColeOr Sean then you're a gonerI'm 'bout to bring it to anyone in this b**** who want it

在以上歌詞中,Eminem還提到是時候作出反擊,並且批評現時很多說唱歌手只懂Mumble Rap(即口齒不清的在Rap),同時以字字鏗鏘的高速說唱送這些歌手一記耳光。

除此以外,說唱歌手Machine Gun Kelly多次被Eminem點名狙擊。《Not Alike》一曲採用Trap風格,一方面諷刺要像Migos一樣Rap是何其容易,因為Hook明顯在複製Migos的「神曲」《Bad and Boujee》;另一方面則開火攻擊Machine Gun Kelly。

Machine Gun Kelly被Eminem多番狙擊。(視覺中國圖片)

Eminem與Machine Gun Kelly(MGK)的不和,要追溯到6年前Twitter的一則帖文。6年前剛出道的MGK公開指Eminem的女兒Hailie Scott非常火辣(hot as f***),加上當時Hailie只得16歲;Eminem作為父親,眼見未成年的女兒被人公開調侃因而大動肝火。另外,當時很多電台為力挺Eminem而拒絕播放MGK的歌曲,可見Eminem的影響力。

《Not Alike》的歌詞寫道:If you wanna come at me with a sub, Machine GunAnd I'm talkin' to you, but you already know who the f*** you are, KellyI don't use sublims and sure as f*** don't sneak-dissBut keep commenting on my daughter Hailie

Eminem女兒Hailie Scott。(Hailie Scott instagram圖片)

雖然被「神」攻擊,但MGK沒有就此了事,反而推出《Rap Devil》還擊。MGK以「Rap Devil」自居,明顯要與「Rap God」對峙,沒有放對方在眼內。有網民稱讚MGK勇氣可嘉,亦有人認為還是要Eminem開火,才能令新生代寫出有質素的作品。

《Rap Devil》歌詞寫道:

Mad about somethin' I said in 2012

Took you six years and a surprise album just to come with a diss

Homie we get it, we know that you're the greatest rapper alive

F***** dweeb, all you do is read the dictionary and stay inside

F*** Rap God, I'm the Rap Devil