【逃犯條例】張翔向港大師生發電郵重申反對暴力 無提收回譴責


立法會大樓日前發生的暴力事件,令我深感痛心,破壞性的行動應予譴責。同時,我也呼籲各方理性而務實地努力解決紛爭,莫再訴諸對抗。在香港當前的困境下,我深信不同意見人士可以文明理性地共處; 而只要各方能夠主動開展積極對話,社會的裂痕始終會得到復和,相信各界都願意爲了更加美好的香港而求同存異。
I am disheartened by the violence that occurred in the Legislative Council building and would like to condemn such destructive acts. (立法會大樓日前發生的暴力事件,令我深感痛心,破壞性的行動應予譴責)
Let me make it very clear that I am against violence, of any kind, by any party, and at any juncture. (我重申反對任何形式的暴力)
不過,三大訴求中,只有「承諾保障港大學生和教職員之言論自由」一項訴求有回應。張翔於晚上向師生及校友發出以《reaching out》(踏出一步)為題的電郵,雖然未再提譴責一詞,但稱反對任何形式的暴力。他稱作為科學家,他只是說出他的說話,並非為了取悅或責怪任何人。對於其餘兩個訴求,張翔未有再回應。
張翔又指,當他看到7月1日晚上發生的事情(示威者衝擊立法會)時,非常擔心年輕人的生命和安全,擔心會因此踏上不歸路(reach the point of no return)。他表示,香港大學一直擁抱多元化,一如既往,校方支持學生自由表達自由,關心他們的安全和幸福;至於學術自由,言論自由和集會自由是大學的核心價值觀,他保證會堅持這些價值觀。
Dear students, colleagues, alumni and friends,
I wish to share my thoughts about the recent events. I have listened to your comments and I understand there are diverse views on my recent press statement. I also wish to take this opportunity to address concerns raised in open letters and petitions.
Let me make it very clear that I am against violence, of any kind, by any party, and at any juncture. As a scientist, I speak my mind. It was never my intention to please or to place blame. When I saw what was happening on the night of July 1st, I was very worried for our citizens’ lives and safety, including that of young people. Like many of you, I feared the worst. I feared we would reach the point of no return.
At HKU, we embrace diversity. During the past weeks, many colleagues have engaged with our students in different ways. As always, we support our students in freely expressing themselves and we care about their safety and well-being. Academic freedom, freedom of expression, and freedom of assembly are core values of our University, and I pledge to uphold them.
Many in Hong Kong have now spoken in the spirit of reconciliation and rebuilding trust, including the Hon Andrew Li, the First Chief Justice of the HKSAR. But this is only the start of the healing process. We need everyone, including those in power, to seriously consider the underlying cause of the social issues and all the options and possibilities.
We have witnessed Hong Kong people taking to the streets peacefully. Let us continue our tradition of peaceful dissent and resolve our differences.
I decided to come to Hong Kong after 29 years in the USA, because Hong Kong is unique, and it has tremendous potential. I am still learning about this special place, but what I have noticed most in the year I have been here is the resilience of Hong Kong, its people and its youth. Hong Kong faces many unprecedented challenges and contentious issues. But we shall only overcome them if we begin to reach out and understand each other. Please let us work together, and with our collective wisdom, reconcile our divided society for Hong Kong’s future.
Professor Xiang ZhangPresident and Vice-Chancellor