13歲Kate Moss女兒訪問Gigi Hadid

新一代的America's sweetheart美國甜心登25周年Dazed雜誌封面。(品牌提供)

Dazed雜誌二十五周年,封面主角找來紅到發紫的星二代Gigi Hadid。以紅、白二色床照為封面的Dazed Magazine以Gigi Hadid的甜美笑容作賣點,並由雜誌其中一個創辦人Rankin掌鏡拍攝,Coach x Mickey Mouse的上衣配紅襪,健康小性感。值得一看的是,Dazed雜誌重本以足足18頁為Gigi Hadid的專訪,青春可人又性感的Gigi Hadid毫不揮勁的擺出甜美pose。

這更是Dazed雜誌自推出以來第一本紀念刊,封面主角的人氣和地位可而之。除了成為封面主角,Gigi Hadid亦為Dazed雜誌拍攝黑白短片,以叛逆的姿勢穿起羽毛黑衣、眼罩感覺就像換了一個人。

I think that more than teaching what body types are correct, it's important to teach that we are putting models out there who are confident in their bodies. I think that's where we should start: teaching models to put out a body image that they are happy and comfortable with, so that girls who relate to them know it's coming from a good place.
Gigi Hadid在訪問中談到模特兒對自己的身材滿意才是最重要。
Kate Moss女兒Lila Grace Moss-Hack化身小記者。(Getty Image)

剛說到的18頁專訪,更由Dazed主腦之一的Jedderson Hack與Kate Moss的女兒Lila Grace Moss-Hack參與。要訪問這個最新一代的America's sweetheart美國甜心要有什麼準備?只有十幾歲的Lila Grace Moss-Hack到底有沒有當記者的料子?身為雜誌創辦人和名模之後到底會否在訪問上有不同的演繹方式?有興趣的朋友可以買本Dazed雜誌來翻翻。