屁股人短片爆紅 趣怪風格發放正能量治癒網民


伏在床上、翹起屁股的「人仔」跟你「say hi」,這短片近日在互聯網瘋傳。究竟這隻「屁股人」是何方神聖?為何可以吸引一眾網民?

屁股人片段近日在網上瘋傳。(「Hi Stranger」片段截圖)

「屁股人」短片名為「Hi Stranger」(陌生人,你好),由動畫師Kirsten Lepore製作,「UNILAD」facebook專頁上載片段一星期,已有逾14萬網民讚好、逾13萬次分享,不少網民留言指看畢短片令人心情放鬆。

「Hi Stranger」片段長約2分半鐘,屁股人回頭望向鏡頭,與觀眾「對話」,其間屁股人會笑、用力吸氣和嘆氣。屁股人的對話內容提及,人們希望一次過做多件不同的事,擔心自己所下的決定、擔心說話有否得罪人,這些想法對自己太嚴苛;而每個人所做的事也是奇妙的,值得別人給予愛。


有外媒形容屁股人的對話肯定人生價值、態度正面,讓人知道即使身處最差的處境,仍然有人關顧你。自認為大壓力的你,看畢影片後心情亦會轉好。據外國媒體《It's Nice That》報道,Kirsten的創作靈感包括冥想、靈性及性別流動性等。英國網媒《Skwigly》訪問創作屁股人的Kirsten Lepore,她表示早前翻看舊畫簿時,發現以前貼在撰寫《探險時光》故事、Kent Osborne桌上的便條紙,紙上就是畫上屁股人的雛型。

Kirsten指,當她第一次看見屁股人時已目不轉睛,而此創作是Kent Osborne隨意的塗鴉,Kent Osborne亦不介意將便條紙轉贈,Kirsten便一直將便條紙貼在舊畫簿內。

事隔多年,Kirsten再次見到便條紙,獲Kent Osborne同意下,將屁股人製作成短片。短片除屁股人公仔外,亦配上對白及詭異音樂,對白由Garrett Michael Davis讀出,Kirsten指Garrett的聲音有種奇怪的親切感,又帶半分毛骨悚然,故相當適合作旁白。


Hi stranger, it's been a while, I've missed you, it's okay, you can look at my butt, I feel like I can really be vulnerable around you. </br> </br> Do you like this tree I made? Cool right? I thought it was cool. It's so hard to make things somethimes ya' know, it just takes so much mental energy, and I get so tired. I just wanna sit here and relax with you. Wow……check out the sunset, it's so nice to stop and take all this in. It really makes you enjoy being alive. Even you, I love looking at you, I want remember all your shapesssss. Ahhhhh, beautiful. </br> </br> I've been thinking about you a lot lately, I see you are trying to do so many things at once, worrying about decision you made, or warried that you said the wrong thing to someone, you're so hard on yourself, but you are wonderful, and worthy of being loved, you really are. You just have to let yourself believe it. </br> </br> Well I know you're really busy, and you probably have to go, but I'm glad I got to see you for a minute, I love you.
「Hi Stranger」短片
