
撰文: Natalie Kung(港學堂英語導師)
1. Straight-A students: 學霸
「搏盡無悔」 (carpe diem)這四個字是港大的流行用語,意思就是你付出百分之百的努力來換取好成績,只要盡了全力便不會後悔。 (好老土啊~)
They are keen to fight for what they want. 「Keen」 means someone is especially eager or enthusiastic to complete a task or project. In Canada, the word 「keener」 is the person who is enthusiastic and is used in an informal sense. For example, 「What a keener. His aggressive attitude has shown a striking contrast with the slacker sitting beside him.」
They carry their books all the time and are forever overly formal for lectures. They pay 200 % attention in class just in case they miss a single point. They do not just submit designated work on time, but are also possibly two months ahead of other students. Whenever classmates cry for an F grade, they are the ones mourning for the slip of an A.
Do not be surprised or fearful if you hear someone reciting at 5 am as you walk along a corridor in your residential hall. A keen student is probably preparing for next year』s exam.
2. Popular Student: 「champ」 人
They are not necessarily good to everyone. Instead, they could be nice to a group but gossip in another circle, only to gain recognition, or even to manoeuvre (操縱) their peers in a jot so obvious manner. People around them are always popular students』 「wannabes」 (「想要成為某人的人」). Therefore, such kind of students normally perform well in academics too, well at least in the upper quartile. They are smart and trendy, and are often gifted in an extra-curricular activity.
「Champ」 系用嚟形容一個勁甚至屈機既同學。任何野都可以形容一個人 「champ」. 上莊住hall 都已經唔系最 「champ」 既野。而系,當你好知道自己要做啲乜野,唔隨波逐流,就算要你連續做48小時你都在所不計。唔知大家有冇留意之前有港大生做 「肉類分割技術員"(俗稱豬肉佬)做到開鋪。所以呢, 「champ"都可以有好多唔同既詮釋既。
3. Group facilitators: 組爸媽
They are people you would encounter often during orientation camps. Such kind of camps are the first events freshmen would attend during summer holiday, or right before the semester starts. Your group facilitators are there to coach and give 「advice」 to you. No jokes but such kind of camps are more on YOLO rather than 「orienting」 freshmen. Games vary but stories spread around too (You may wonder what kind.)
Anyways, they are possibly your biggest companions in university. Think of the days you might feel like grumbling but no one else is willing to listen or the moment when you feel like changing your major. The group facilitators are there to pass on their experience to you.