25歲Justin Bieber歷盡人生高低 婚姻成人生轉捩點:最好的階段
流行歌手Justin Bieber周二(3日)在個人社交媒體上載了一段長文字,談起自己年少成名後一直以來的心路歷程:「當你的生活、過去、工作、責任、情感、家庭、財務和人際關係都不堪重負時,以正確的態度開始新的一天很難。當你覺得麻煩接踵而來,你開始通過『恐懼』來預見這一天,並迎來另一個糟糕的日子。當你在失望中不斷循環,有時甚至可以達到不想再活下去的程度,你覺得這狀況永遠不會改變......」可見他的心理壓力之大。
Justin Bieber成名後的生活很富足,但內心的壓力卻無從宣泄:「你看我有很多錢、衣服、車、榮譽、成就、獎項,但我仍然不滿足。」那時候,他還是尚未發育的孩子、亦在一個不安穩的家庭成長:「我的父母在我18歲時分開,那時他們沒有錢、仍然年輕和反叛。隨著我的才能發展,我變得非常成功,這一切都在兩年之內發生,我的整個世界都被顛覆了。」
Justin Bieber續言:「我從一個小鎮裏的13歲男孩,搖身一變成為全世界都在稱讚的人、數百萬人說着他們多麼愛我,我有多麼偉大。小時候聽到這些東西,就真的開始相信它。」在他的世界,每個人都圍着他轉,總是有人為他打點一切,現在他才如夢初醒:「我從來沒有學習過基本的責任,所以在我18歲時在現實世界中沒有任何技能,但擁有數百萬美元,可以獲得我想要的任何東西,這對任何人來說都是一個非常可怕的概念。」所以在他20歲時,做盡了所有世人能想像的壞決定,並從世界上最受喜愛和崇拜的人變成了世界上最嘲笑,最受批判和最討厭的人!
Justin Bieber反思自己過去的行為:「我19歲開始濫藥,並破壞我的人際關係。我變得怨恨,對女性不尊重。我疏遠愛我的人,並躲藏在軀殼後面。我花了好幾年時間從這些可怕的決定中恢復過來,修復破裂的關係,改變社交習慣。」而婚姻是他人生的轉捩點:「幸運的是上帝賜予非常愛我的人。現在我處於生命中最好的『婚姻』階段;這是個新責任,你學會了耐心、信任、承諾、善良、謙遜以及所有看起來像個好人的品質。」
Khloe Kardashian留言:「 This is beautiful!! Thank you!! We are so proud of you!! I needed this! God bless you always」歌手Cody Simpson亦留言:「Love seeing this so much man! Wow」網民也紛紛留言:「年少成名,瘋了一陣子之後靜下來,發現自己才25歲。」、「Selena陪你長大,卻不是最後的那個人。」
點擊圖輯看Hailey Rhode Bieber美照;)
Justin Bieber Instagram 全文:
It's hard to get out of bed in the morning with the right attitude when you are overwhelmed with your life your past, job, responsibilities, emotions, your family, finances, your relationships. When it feels like there's trouble after trouble after trouble. You start foreseeing the day through lenses of 'dread' and anticipate another bad day.A cycle of feeling disappointment after disappointment. Sometimes it can even get to the point where you don』t even want to live anymore. Where you feel like it's never going to change.. I can fully sympathize with you. I could not change my mindset. I am fortunate to have people l'm life that continue encourage me to keep going. You see I have a lot of money, clothes cars, accolades, achievements, awards and I was still unfulfilled. Have u noticed the statistics of child stars and the outcome of their life? There is an insane pressure and responsibility put on a child who's brain, emotions, frontal lobes (decision making) aren't developed yet. No rationality, defiant, rebellious, things all of us have to go through. But when you add the pressure of stardom it does something to you that is quite unexplainable. You see I didn't grow up in a stable home, my parents were 18 separated with no money still young and rebellious as well. As my talent progressed and I became ultra successful it happened within a strand of Two years. My whole world was flipped on its head. I went from a 13 year old boy from a small town to being praised left and right by the world with millions saying how much they loved me and how great I was. I don't know about you but humility comes with age. You hear theses things enough as a young boy and you actually start believing it, Rationality comes with age and so does your decision making process (one of the reasons you can't drink until your 21).. everyone did everything for me so I never even learned the fundamentals of responsibility. So by this point I was 18 with no skills in the real world, with millions of dollars and access to whatever I wanted. This is a very scary concept for anyone. By 20 I made every bad decision you could have thought of and went from one of the most loved and adored people in the world to the most ridiculed, judged and hated person in the world! Being on stage according to studies is a bigger dopamine rush than almost any other activity... so these massive ups and downs on their own are very hard to manage. You notice a lot of touring bands and people end up having a phase of drug abuse, and i believe its due to not being able to manage the huge ups and downs that come with being an entertainer.
I started doing pretty heavy drugs at 19 and abused all of my relationships. I Became resentful, disrespectful to women, and angry. I became distant to everyone who loved me, and i was hiding behind, a shell of a person that i had become. I felt like i could never turn it around. It's taken me years to bounce back from all of these terrible decisions, fix broken relationships, and change relationship habits. Luckily god blessed me with extraordinary people who love me for me. Now i am navigating the best season of my life "MARRIAGE" !! Which is a an amazing crazy new responsibility. You learn patience, trust, commitment, kindness, humility and all of the things it looks like to be a good man.
All this to say even when The odds are against you keep fighting. Jesus loves you... BE KIND TODAY> BE BOLD TODAY AND LOVE PEOPLE TODAY NOT BY YOUR STANDARDS BUT BY GODS PERFECT UNFAILING LOVE