邵珮詩存在感低被網民稱為隱形港姐 疑正式發文宣布離巢TVB發展



久未露面的邵珮詩看來發福不少,腰間的贅肉都露了出來。(陳順禎 攝)

邵珮詩文中提到自己在大學讀心理學位時便決定要參加香港小姐,加上當時她好奇及想挑戰自己,更表示選港姐是神奇的經歷:「While studying for my psychology degree in university, I decided, ”I want to compete in the Miss Hong Kong pageant“. I was young, curious and wanted to challenge myself. Then, lucky enough on that fateful day 10 years ago, I found myself on a live stage competing in front of a Hong Kong audience. I worked hard, did my best and in that moment, it seemed like all the stars lined up for me. It was a truly magical experience that I will keep precious forever in my heart.」



當年蔡思貝、馮盈盈、黃心穎、張寶兒、邵珮詩等翻唱胡鴻鈞的《到此一遊》。(YouTube截圖:TVB Music Group)

邵珮詩不忘感謝樂小姐、珍姐、Sandy等人,亦有感謝每一位製作組,她亦點名感謝Dolce Vita團隊、監製Maria、監製B哥、波爺、小慧姐、南哥、Ching Long、Dada、TVB體育團隊、J2團隊、愛回家團隊、TVB戲劇團隊、導演Leo、慈善表演團隊和宣傳團隊。最後她提到將來的工作,她表示不會有太大的變化,仍然忙著舉辦MC活動、表演、做義工及慈善工作。




While studying for my psychology degree in university, I decided, ”I want to compete in the Miss Hong Kong pageant“. I was young, curious and wanted to challenge myself. Then, lucky enough on that fateful day 10 years ago, I found myself on a live stage competing in front of a Hong Kong audience. I worked hard, did my best and in that moment, it seemed like all the stars lined up for me. It was a truly magical experience that I will keep precious forever in my heart.

Shortly after the pageant, I entered the entertainment industry not really knowing what entertaining people is all about. I do know that I love to perform, so I put in my best effort for this challenge. I feel very fortunate that TVB had given me the opportunities to try a wide variety of different roles, I’ve acted in sitcoms and dramas, and hosted for multiple live and lifestyle/travel shows. Through all my works (whether it be dancing, promos, dramas or hosting), I discovered countless new things and about myself.

Thank you TVB, Ms Lok, 珍姐, Sandy and every production crew member I’ve met for the amazing journey and eye-opening work opportunities. Also a big thank you to the Dolce Vita team, producer Maria, producer B 哥, 波爺, 小慧姐, Nan, Ching Long, Dada, TVB Sports Team, J2 teams, 愛回家 teams, TVB drama teams, director Leo, charity show teams and promo teams for all the collaborations and valuable chances! The list is endless, there’s just simply too many good people to list. I learned something from every role I did.

Getting to know the people behind scene show sets, was the most fascinating and enjoyable, as they share with me their wonderful experiences, funny stories and wisdom. For that, I thank you all for sharing with me. We still connect and laugh at the memorable experiences we had!

To everyone wondering about my next career steps, actually not a lot will change and I will keep myself busy hosting MC events, give show appearances, and do volunteer/charity work. It’s going to be a year of eventful adventures, trying new things, and positive growth. I’m excited to explore new horizons, make new discoveries and friendly opportunities! Here we go, we’ll keep you posted!期待遇見更好的自己! 大家一起加油!