



2021年10月10日,中印第13輪軍長級會談在楚舒勒-莫爾多邊境會晤點舉行。會談期間,雙方討論的重點是解決拉達克東部實控線沿線的剩餘問題。(The 13th round of India-China Corps Commander Level Meeting was held at Chushul-Moldo border meeting point on 10th October 2021. During the meeting the discussions between the two sides focussed on resolution of the remaining issues along the LAC in Eastern Ladakh.)

印方指出,實控線沿線的局勢是由中方單方面試圖改變現狀造成的,違反了雙邊協議。(The Indian side pointed out that the situation along the LAC had been caused by unilateral attempts of Chinese side to alter the status quo and in violation of the bilateral agreements.)

因此,中方有必要在其餘地區採取適當步驟,以恢復中印邊境西段實際控制線沿線的和平與安寧。這也將符合兩國外交部長最近在杜尚別會議上提出的指導方針,兩國外長在會談中同意雙方應儘早解決剩餘的問題。(It was therefore necessary that the Chinese side take appropriate steps in the remaining areas so as to restore peace and tranquillity along the LAC in the Western Sector. This would also be in accord with the guidance provided by the two Foreign Ministers in their recent meeting in Dushanbe where they had agreed that the two sides should resolve the remaining issues at the earliest.)

印度方面強調,解決剩餘地區的問題將促進雙邊關係的進展。因此,印方在會談中就解決剩餘問題提出了建設性建議,但中方不同意,也無法提出任何前瞻性建議。因此,本輪會談沒有就剩餘地區達成協議。(The Indian side emphasised such resolution of the remaining areas would facilitate progress in the bilateral relations. During the meeting, the Indian side therefore made constructive suggestions for resolving the remaining areas but the Chinese side was not agreeable and also could not provide any forward-looking proposals. The meeting thus did not result in resolution of the remaining areas.)

雙方同意保持溝通,並保持地面的穩定。希望中方從兩國關係大局出發,在全面遵守雙邊協議和議定書的基礎上,推動遺留問題早日得到解決。(The two sides have agreed to maintain communications and also to maintain stability on the ground. It is our expectation that the Chinese side will take into account the overall perspective of bilateral relations and will work towards early resolution of the remaining issues while fully abiding by bilateral agreements and protocols.)