撰文: 李嘉㑣
出版:2019-08-20 16:39 更新:2019-08-20 17:30
中國假貨橫行是特色,就如Supreme Italia跟Samsung聯乘、再開專門店,以至新開業盜版Supreme茶飲店,再次讓我們看見內地無視侵權的情況極為嚴重。今次,日本街頭品牌#FR2(Fxxking Rabbits)同樣慘遭盜版商損害,使品牌主理人於社交平台上發表抗議聲明。
(English ver.)This is a fashion show that took place in Shanghai at the end of June. This company, Shanghai Shepuyun Apparel Co., Ltd., used my name and the pictures I took of Chinese stars involved with #FR2 without permission to hold an event and attract attendees. I have heard some information stating that this show in Shanghai brought in 10 billion yen in orders. That means that people are going to be deceived out of 10 billion yen. The pictures of Chinese stars used in this Wechat article about #FR2 Shanghai are pictures that I took of people involved with the real #FR2, made by me, and these pictures are being used completely without permission. This is also insulting to the Chinese stars. The #FR2 stores in Shanghai and Wuxi that are supposed to open in August have no relationship at all to us, and all of their products are knockoffs that imitate #FR2. The actions of this company are a betrayal of the fans of #FR2 and absolutely cannot be permitted. #FR2 was started in 2014 as a 「brand of a photographer rabbit focused on photographs without words」 so that it could be loved by more people all over the world. Although the fashion scene is centered around America and Europe, as a brand with a new concept created in Asia, #FR2 is loved and supported by people in Asia, including in China,so we have continued endeavoring to be successful in the global fashion scene. Given that, we find it very saddening to learn that our neighbors in Asia have done something like this. We know that the new, intellectual generation in China hates knockoffs and loves true creativity. It makes us truly sad to think that some of our fans will buy the fake #FR2 clothing made by this Shanghai Shepuyun Apparel Co., Ltd. mistakenly thinking that it is real #FR2. Of course we will fight this through legal measures. We want everyone in China to work together to stop these people who have insulted Chinesestars and are trying to make tens of billions of yen through knockoffs by deceiving lovers of fashion in China. We want this to make it into the news and to be spread on SNS so that even one less person will be deceived. Let』s fight this together. Ryo Ishikawa #FUCKTHEFAKEFR2
#FR2🐇🐇 (@fxxkingrabbits)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2019 年 8月 月 19 日 上午 4:07 張貼
日本街頭品牌#FR2(Fxxking Rabbits)慘遭盜版商損害(IG@fxxkingrabbits)
點擊看更多Fxxking Rabbits設計:
Fxxking Rabbits(#FR2)由主理人石川涼(Ryo Ishikawa)所領導,挑釁性圖案、兔子、及「Smoking kills」等元素,也定義該品牌,與此同時融合了攝影、設計和時尚界限,透過各種情色攝影與街頭文化,為服飾帶來全新景象。石川涼作為VANQUISH背後的策劃者,多年來建立了巨大的粉絲群,亦經常與知名品牌合作,更跟藤原浩合作推出「DENIM BY VANQUISH & FRAGMENT」系列。
盜版Fxxking Rabbits商店(IG@fxxkingrabbits)
中國特色之一,就是出名多山寨品牌,他們不但明目張膽地複製品牌名字與Logo,甚至理直氣壯反告原創品牌,有些山寨品牌更被中國法院判為勝訴,結果總是讓我們啞口無言。這次Fxxking Rabbits受到中國假冒問題影響,根據石川涼所稱,上海奢樸韻服飾有限公司於今年6月,在上海舉辦了一場時裝騷,並私自利用他的名字、他所拍攝的照片,以及品牌Logo等來吸引中國消費者。他更表示聽到一些消息透露,上海這場所謂的表演,將會為該公司帶來100億日元的訂單,同時也意味著人們被欺騙鉅額金錢。
盜版Fxxking Rabbits商店(IG@fxxkingrabbits)
另外,盜版商還計劃於本月利用Fxxking Rabbits名義,在上海與無錫開設新店。石川涼目前正在準備與國際律師協商提出訴訟,同時也表明盼望透過社交媒體等方法,把消息傳遞至各地,來控制中國盜版商對品牌所造成的傷害。
因此,石川涼於IG上發布了中文、英文與日文版本的抗議聲明,並在圖片上寫著「F**K THE FAKE #FR2」,以及發放時裝騷視頻與盜版商店相片,他希望透過在社交媒體來反抗盜版商,從而減少其他人被他們所欺騙。