荷里活男星祖瑟夫邀港人為英文詩錄音:We forever stand as one


過去一年多的反修例風波令本港備受國際關注。曾主演《心跳500天》、《斯諾登風暴》等電影的荷里活男星祖瑟夫哥頓利域(Joseph Gordon-Levitt),繼早前在其Facebook專頁中徵求香港的相片後,今日(22日)再呼籲港人為一首詩錄音,當中內容更形容港人為「自由戰士」(Freedom fighters),而聲音會被聽到。在祖瑟夫貼文登出約5小時後,已收集到近300個錄音。



今日他於其Facebook專頁中,呼籲港人為一首英文詩錄音,並指「你只需要一個電話!」(All you need is a phone!)。他所呼籲港人錄音的詩名為"Hong Kong Never Sleeps"(《香港永不眠》),詩中指港人「在未知的途徑上,寫自己的歷史時,但永遠不會孤單,港人會並肩站在一起(We forever stand as one)」;更提及「哭泣淚水如雨,將人們聚集在街頭」,形容港人為「自由戰士」。

▼"Hong Kong Never Sleeps"全詩▼

Hong Kong, she never sleeps

A beauty in the orient

A smiling dragon that breathes

She is fire on water

A city of spirited souls and passing ships


Hong Kong, a world of its own

Where we write our own history

Upon pathways unknown,

But never alone

We forever stand as one


Hong Kong, weeping tears of rain

Bringing together people in the streets

Freedom fighters

With faces of pain

And voices that will be heard


Hong Kong, a home to us all

With layers of landscapes, harbors and hills

Between blue skies and blue seas

On clear days

You can see forever


Hong Kong, our sacred city

Walking and talking through avenues

So full of life

The place we settle in to sleep

And fill with dreams in the night

